Community language allowance guide

ACMA is continuing to review and develop policies and guides, we are interested to see examples from other agencies who may have recently developed a policy/guide on Community language allowance or how they incorporated this into existing allowance policy.

guidelines – assessing nominations for agency awards

Hi SAF members

The National Archives of Australia would like to know if any SAF member agencies have a selection guide on how they assess nominations for annual awards.

Catherine Elrick

People & Culture

National Archives of Australia

Length of Service Awards


The National Archives is reviewing providing long service awards for employees who have been with us for 10, 20 & 30 years of service.  I would like to know whether other agencies still have length of service awards or if you did and then removed them, what were the considerations in doing so e.g. should our rewards and recognition program still include a process that rewards employees based solely on how long they have stayed?

Catherine Elrick

People and Culture

National Archives of Australia



SES (or equivalent) Handbook

The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is looking to develop an entitlements handbook for its Senior Managers (SES equivalents) who are on common law contracts.  We already have a CEO Directive dealing with salary rates, salary setting and advancement so don’t need to know about that.  Keen to see what other information is provided to employees at this level.


Brian Boyer
Senior Policy Officer

Information sheet on role of support person


I am looking at creating an information sheet on the role of a support person for an employee who has been asked to be one and attend a meeting with another employee.  The meetings are generally discussions about the work performance or behaviours.

Happy to share once we have finalised the info sheet as well.

Kind regards,



Catherine Elrick
Senior HR Advisor, Performance & Employee Relations, National Archives of Australia

p 02 6212 3461

EA bargaining Ballot providers

Good afternoon,

The Department of Parliamentary Services is exploring the options of ballot providers to use for Enterprise Bargaining.

It would be appreciated if agencies could please pass on any information in relation to which providers they have used/reached out to. Could any correspondence please be forwarded to

Kind regards,

Ellen Patat-Tanevska

HR Advisor Legal and Conduct | Corporate Operations Branch

Corporate Services Division

T: 02 6277 9772 | E:

Parliament House | PO Box 6000 | Canberra ACT 2600

I acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people, who are the traditional custodians of the land on which Australian Parliament House is situated – an area where people have met for thousands of years.

HCO Training providers

Good morning,

The Department of Parliamentary Services is interested in which provider other Commonwealth agencies use for their Harassment Contact Officer (or equivalent) training. If any information could please be sent to it would be much appreciated.

Kind regards,

Ellen Patat-Tanevska

HR Advisor Legal and Conduct | Corporate Operations Branch

Corporate Services Division

T: 02 6277 9772 | E:

Parliament House | PO Box 6000 | Canberra ACT 2600

I acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people, who are the traditional custodians of the land on which Australian Parliament House is situated – an area where people have met for thousands of years.

HArassment contact officer network guidelines request

The Department of Parliamentary Services is currently in the process of reviewing it’s Harassment Contact Officer Network.

We would be interested to receive other agencies guidelines/policies for their HCO or equivalent networks.

If agencies are able to share the relevant documents, we would be grateful if they could please be sent to

Kind regards,

Ellen Patat-Tanevska

HR Advisor Legal and Conduct | Corporate Operations Branch

Corporate Services Division

T: 02 6277 9772 | E:

Parliament House | PO Box 6000 | Canberra ACT 2600

I acknowledge the Ngunnawal and Ngambri people, who are the traditional custodians of the land on which Australian Parliament House is situated – an area where people have met for thousands of years.



ACMA are looking into developing an integrity framework and accompanying processes and keen to see what other agencies are doing in this space. Aimee Kerin from HR would love to hear from you if you can contact her at either or 02 6219 5454.


I am keen to hear from other agencies on the ratio’s of EL2 Directors to staff in HR and Corporate roles particularly the specialist roles that may not have direct reports.

Our Exec has asked if I can find out what other agencies have in the way of EL2 staff in HR/Corporate to ratio of staff i.e., span of control and size of agency total and do any small to medium sized agencies have EL2 HR/Corporate specialist that don’t supervise staff? 

Kristy-Leigh Anderson

Assistant Director | Human Resources

Productivity Commission

Ngunnawal Country

4 National Circuit, Barton ACT 2600

p. +61262403285 |