Dragon vs microsoft dictate

Hi, enquiry about functionality of Dragon compared Microsoft speech.  Out IT section is keen to explore the functionality of Microsoft speech (dictate) as an alternative to Dragon Software.  Have any of you experienced the microsoft application and if so, how successful was it?  Would you recommend?


Drug and Alcohol Policy request

We are reviewing our Drug and Alcohol policy and procedure and seeking any policies or procedures that other agencies have and are willing to share.

Any sharing should be sent to ATSB-HR@atsb.gov.au.

Many thanks

Janelle Davison

Human Resources Manager

Health and Safety Committee review

Murray-Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) is seeking your assistance with the review of our Health and Safety Committee, focusing on the Committee’s role in relation to stewardship and carriage of key bodies of enterprise risk.

To assist with this review, MDBA is reaching out to other agencies to discuss and exchange information with respect to Health and Safety Committee arrangements.

If you are interested in contributing to this review, please contact MDBA, peopleandculture@mdba.govau or 02 62790626.  Thank you for your assistance.

Mental Health First Aid Officer cohort

The Australian Financial Security Authority (AFSA) would like to hear from agencies who have established a Mental Health First Aid Officer cohort, who provide assistance to staff, connecting them with information and support. AFSA would like to learn about the framework that has been established, any challenges experienced and how these were navigated.

Please contact me directly, my information is below.


Scott Francis (they/them)

Assistant Director, WHS and Wellbeing | People & Culture | Corporate Services Division

Australian Financial Security Authority

T  +61 02 6198 3552 |  scott.francis@afsa.gov.au  |  W  www.afsa.gov.au

Health and Safety Management Arrangements

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare are currently looking to review their health and safety management arrangements (HSMA’s) and would love if any agencies could share their HSMA’s to assist us with this process.

Please contact me at WHS@aihw.gov.au if you are able to share your agencies HSMA’s or have any best practise guidance/lessons learnt for undertaking this review process.

Incident/Hazard form

Australian Digital Health Agency are looking at updating our Incident/Hazard form and are looking for examples of other agencies.


If you are happy to share please send them to Rochelle.Taylor@digitalhealth.gov.au.



Rochelle Taylor

Guidelines for Complying with the Positive Duty under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth)

We are in the process of implementing the new positive duty legislation changes  Respect@Work website and we would like to see if/what other small agencies have done in this space.

Back in February the APSC said although there is a 12-month transition period before the positive duty becomes enforceable, it is important for APS agencies to start implementing these changes now, so we have until December.


Bernice Mulcahy

HR Advisor, Business Enabling Services

Commonwealth Grants Commission

Level 4, 73 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra ACT 2601
P: 02 6218 5714 E: bernice.mulcahy@cgc.gov.au W: cgc.gov.au

Seeking desensitised data in the Rehabilitation space

Hi Everyone

National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) are hoping to look at some desensitised data in the Rehabilitation space, to compare how we are tracking in comparison to similar size agencies. We would appreciate if you could share the following data:

Current staffing numbers (headcount) – xx *Not including contractors.

Open/Closed compensation claims for financial year 2022/23 total number – xx – if data permits this could be broken into:

  • Open physical – x
  • Open psychological – x
  • Closed physical – x
  • Closed psychological – x.


Open Non-Compensation – xx If data permits this could be broken down into:

  • early intervention – x
  • physical/psychological – x/x
  • work/non work related – x/x


WHS Incidents 2022/2023 financial year or other reporting period e.g calendar year or YTD – total xx

  • physical – x
  • psychological – x


I can be contacted via email whs@nema.gov.au

With thanks in advance

Kind Regards

Bernadette White

HR Advisor | Conditions and Wellbeing Team | Corporate Branch
National Emergency Management Agency

Early Intervention

The Department of Parliamentary Services is seeking to gain insight into how other agencies manage their Early Intervention (EI) Programs. They would appreciate:

  • Policies and Procedures
  • Any information around the boundaries/limitations of their EI programs
  • Any additional information provided to their employees in relation to their Early Intervention Programs


Kind regards

Barbara Ploy

Rehabilitation Case Manager | Safety and Rehabilitation

(WHS, Rehabilitation, Nurses Centre, Health and Recreation Centre)

Corporate Operations Branch | Corporate Services

T: 02 6277 9702 E: barbara.ploy@aph.gov.au


WHS Policy

Hi everyone!

I am looking for agencies willing to share their WHS policy as we are looking to refresh ours.

Please contact me at jessica.ewing@pmc.gov.au.

Thanks so much for your help!