Payments to board & committee members – statutory and NON-STATUTORY

The Department of Industry, Science and Resources (DISR) Shared Services Hub is seeking information from other agencies on processes/ procedures to manage and pay both Statutory and Non-Statutory Board and Committee Members. Of particular interest is:

  1. Are they paid through payroll or finance?
  2. How do you decide on the correct payment pathway?
  3. How is superannuation applied?
  4. Other thoughts/ considerations?

Contact is

Thank you



Prior Service – Form

MoAD are looking to update Prior Service form and seeking examples of other agencies forms to try and have some consistency.

Please send examples to

Thanks for your cooperation.

TOIL and Travel Policies

Hi everyone,

We are in the midst of updating our TOIL and Travel policies and were hoping agencies could share theirs?



  Mark Smolonogov

Director, People & Culture

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Sydney | GPO Box 5288 Sydney NSW 2001

P +61 2 9942 4243  +61 429 050 677  E

New Parental Leave Conditions

Hoping to contact other agencies that have managed to figure out the new parental leave conditions to discuss the payroll and systems administration of the process.

We have the current documentation from APSC and want to make sure that we are applying the conditions consistently with other agencies. Advice I received from APSC yesterday says that they are planning on hosting focus groups in the near future, however as the process is already effective under our EA we need to have an interim process in place now.

Happy to also share our thoughts and processes as well.

Thanks in advance!


Stacey Crisp  (she/her)

Assistant Manager – HR Systems, Workforce Reporting & Pay

Human Resources & Communications Branch

Corporate and Research Division


Australian Communications and Media Authority

T +61 2 6219 5159

relocation and housing policy

AFMA is currently developing its Relocation and Housing Policy, and would like to hear from agencies able to share their procedures and policies on this topic.

Thank you,

Sally-Anne Smith

Senior People Capability Advisor

(02) 6225 5402

TOIL Policies

WGEA are looking to implement a policy relating to TOIL (and other leave) and looking for examples of TOIL content/policies that other agencies have successfully implemented.

Courtney Walpole
HR Policy Project Lead

0.92% one-off payment – are agencies paying this to ses and equivalents?

Good morning – CASA is interested to know if with any up-coming SES/Equivalents salary increases you are also including the 0.92% as well.  Straw poll of 3 agencies indicates it is a bit divided.  Any information provided will be treated in confidence.

Thank you

Reviewing Aurion

Australian National Maritime Museum are currently reviewing Aurion, the cost benefits of updates and whether it is more suitable for larger agencies that can use all of its capabilities.

As a smaller agency, I feel that we may need a smaller system, thus I’d be interested in what agencies are doing.

  1. Is your agency currently using Aurion?
  2. If you’re using anything different, what system?
  3. Are you looking to move away from Aurion?

Many thanks


Bill Richards

Head of People & Culture

0421 432 282

METRICS REQUEST – Span of control

Just wondering if other small agencies with 250 or less employees would be able to share with me the number/make up of their HR teams i.e., headcount/FTE and classification and how many staff they supervise.


Kristy-Leigh Anderson

Productivity Commission

02 6240 3285



Individual Flexibility Arrangements

Good Morning,


The AEC is reviewing our approach to managing Individual Flexibility Arrangements and we are reaching out to other agencies to see if you can share any information about how you manage requests for additional salary.


Any information or guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Kind Regards,


Jess Walpole