Regulator maturity model for commonwealth regulators

The Regulator Practice and Performance team in the APS Regulatory Reform Branch, Department of Finance is developing a Regulator Maturity Model for Commonwealth regulators as a part of the suite of initiatives authorised by Minister Gallagher in 2023 to progress the Australian Government’s regulatory reform agenda.

The Maturity Model is one of the tools that supports implementation of the Regulatory Policy, Practice & Performance Framework and it’s purpose is to help Commonwealth regulators measure their current capability and identify any gaps or areas requiring improvement, as well as enable regulators to evaluate changes to their capability over time.

If any members are interested in some more information about the Maturity Model, they are welcome to get in touch with us via

We are currently running a pilot of a prototype of the Maturity Model with a small group of Commonwealth regulators over the remainder of 2024. If any members who are also Commonwealth regulators are interested in being involved in our pilot, they can reach us at the same email contact.

Seeking information from Small Agencies on enterprise resource planning ERP uplift findings for finance and expense management processes and platforms

In November 2023, the Government agreed to a new APS Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) approach giving all non-corporate Commonwealth entities autonomy and choice to modernise ERP solutions with technology and vendors that best meet their specific needs and budgets. The new APS ERP approach replaces the Shared Services Transformation Program and as part of this, the Government agreed for the Department of Finance to establish a Project Management Office to support smaller non-corporate Commonwealth entities (with around 800 ASL or fewer) to identify technology uplift requirements and assist in choosing cost-efficient solutions, where required.

The PMO is currently working with a number of non-corporate Commonwealth entities to understand their requirements. In addition to conducting market research on available technology solutions and vendors, the PMO is keen to hear from small agencies who have recently undergone an ERP uplift for their finance, HR and/or travel and expense management processes and platforms. In particular, we would like to understand:

  • What were some of the challenges you experienced with your uplift?
  • What research did you undertake (if any) to choose potential vendors?
  • What was your decision for choosing a vendor/solution based on?
  • What were the key issues you were aiming to solve with your ERP uplift?
  • Was your uplift successful/unsuccessful – why?
  • Any lessons learned that you think would be useful for other entities planning an ERP uplift?

The PMO welcomes any information small agencies are willing to share via our mailbox. Alternatively, we are more than happy to set up some time with small agencies to discuss their experience. If this is preferred, please reach out to our team via our mailbox and we will organise a time to meet with you

Examples of Enterprise Agreements

SAF would like to hear from agencies willing to share their recently approved Enterprise Agreements.

The documents will not be shared. They will be used for training purposes for our new Forum Coordinator to understand common conditions across government agencies and for the SAF Management Committee to get an idea of topical issues for future SAF meeting presentations.

If you’re happy to share please email to Kerrie Gougeon, SAF Forum Coordinator

Thank you!

Communication and Change Policy request

We’re looking at drafting a new policy here at the NHFB – ‘Communication and Change’ (we don’t currently have one). We would love to hear from agencies holding anything similar that they’re willing to share.

Our aim is to outline/define what makes effective communication, and potentially set out a communication framework for all levels of the agency (and likely extending this to external stakeholders). The focus will be on communicating change.

Many thanks,

Tanya Day (she/her)

Human Resources Manager ­– Policy, Planning and Performance Section

National Health Funding Body

Improving the transparency of public hospital funding in Australia

I work part time – Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday

T: 02 6289 6648|  E: | W:


NEMA is looking for anyone able to share an example of a similar policy, please reach out to

Consultative Committee Training for members

Within the Agency we have a Consultative Committee which is committed to communicating and consulting with employees and their representatives on workplace changes that affect employees. The Committee is the peak consultative forum for AIATSIS management, staff and their nominated representatives, noting the ACC is not a decision-making body.

In the Charter, it states that new committee members will receive training in governance and other training to enable them to perform their committee functions. Does anyone have a similar consultative committee and know of any relevant training that members can engage in or onboarding materials?

Isabella Wilson
HR Officer

People Services
Strategic Operation Group
(02) 6246 1135 0403 958 337


The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (PM&C) would like to hear from agencies who can provide their shared learnings to date regarding the upcoming Fair Work Legislation Amendment coming into effect 6th December 2023.

We would be keen to understand what type of data you have reviewed, any communications planned/scheduled around this upcoming change and share our findings as well.

If you would like to share your findings to date, we would love to hear from you.

Please contact

Thank you


Requesting Assistance with HR Delegation Formats

The OAIC are in the process of reviewing our HR Delegations, post the amendments to PS Regulation and introduction and standing-up of the NACC.

We are hoping other agencies may be in a position to share copies of their current HR delegations (even if requiring updates to reflect the above) as we’re seeking to review the format and layout of ours.



  Stuart Cater (He/Him)

Recruitment Specialist (Assistant Director)

People & Culture | Corporate Branch

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

Canberra, ACT

P (02) 9942 4156  E


Privacy framework

Office of Parliamentary Counsel is reviewing their Privacy Management Framework. If you are able to share your framework, they would be grateful, and are happy to return share following their review. Is your Privacy Officer in HR or another part of your agency? Please contact Sue Pedder at  Thanks in anticipation.

Document Verification services

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Authority are looking to implement document verification services as required under the Protective Security Policy Framework (PSPF). They are wondering what company/service other agencies use and if there is a particular service the APS is supposed to use?

Please contact Bree Harris with your response or post a response here.