The Regulator Practice and Performance team in the APS Regulatory Reform Branch, Department of Finance is developing a Regulator Maturity Model for Commonwealth regulators as a part of the suite of initiatives authorised by Minister Gallagher in 2023 to progress the Australian Government’s regulatory reform agenda.
The Maturity Model is one of the tools that supports implementation of the Regulatory Policy, Practice & Performance Framework and it’s purpose is to help Commonwealth regulators measure their current capability and identify any gaps or areas requiring improvement, as well as enable regulators to evaluate changes to their capability over time.
If any members are interested in some more information about the Maturity Model, they are welcome to get in touch with us via
We are currently running a pilot of a prototype of the Maturity Model with a small group of Commonwealth regulators over the remainder of 2024. If any members who are also Commonwealth regulators are interested in being involved in our pilot, they can reach us at the same email contact.